Civil Engineering

Department Of Civil Engineering

Prof. Pankaj Patil

Asst. Professor & Head of the Department

Welcome to the Civil Engineering Department, Civil Engineering is one of the oldest branch of engineering arena. Civil Engineering always plays a vital role in the development of nation as it provides infrastructure in residential, commercial, industrial, transportation and environmental sectors, which are considered to be the backbone of nation’s growth, by performing analysis, design and construction of different Civil Engineering structures like roads, bridges, dams, canals, buildings etc.

Civil Engineering Department was established in 2010. The department offers a full time B.E degree course in civil engineering. The present student intake of the department is 60.The department has well experienced faculty and well equipped laboratories of material testing’s, Surveying, Geology, Geotechnical engineering, Computer aided design, Environmental Engineering etc.

Department has good history of results and discipline. From the beginning of the department, Student performed well in university examinations and some of them got the university ranking. Civil Engineering graduate education is one of the best carrier options amongst all engineering discipline. Numerous carrier opportunities are available to Civil Engineering graduates. The department offers one undergraduate program, B. E. in Civil Engineering with an intake of 60.


To be a center of excellence that produces skilled and ethical civil engineers to meet the industry challenges through research and contributes to build a sustainable society.


M1 : To create an environment that supports quality education and training in civil engineering. M2 : To nurture learners into professionals with leadership and entrepreneurial skills, staying updated with industry advancements. M3 : To cultivate moral values, ethics, and discipline to develop competitive and proficient technocrats.

Name of Subject

Course Outcome


Basic Civil Engineering

1. Know the scope of civil engineering in various fields and understand and describe the basic terms related to survey planning, and construction of infrastructure.
2. Understand and define the terms related to water and waste water generation and treatment,
3. Understand and explain the basic terms related to water resources and its management,
4. Understand the concept of green building and define the terms related to its rating and certification.


Engineering Mechanics

1. Acquire the basic knowledge of resolution of various forces acting on the rigid bodies.
2. Understand and analyze the effect of forces on the rigid bodies with the help of various laws and theories.
3. Explain and draw the effect of forces on rigid bodies.
4. Apply the basic knowledge obtained in engineering mechanics in solving the engineering problems.


BECVE302T Strength of Materials

1. Understand the behavior of materials under different stress and strain conditions.
2. Calculate & draw shear force and bending moment diagram for beams under loading conditions.
3. Analyze the bending stress, shear stress, torsion, tension & deflection of beam under different loading conditions.
4. Evaluate principal stresses and strains.

BECVE303T Environmental Engineering – I

1. Understand the function of various units of water supply scheme and apply the knowledge in planning and design of water supply system.
2. Calculate the capacity of water supply scheme.
3. Have the basic knowledge related to the water conveyance systems and the appurtenances used.
4. Have knowledge of characteristics of water, drinking water standards and necessity of treatment.
5. Design various units of conventional water treatment plant.
6. Have the basic knowledge related to generation, collection, treatment disposal of solid waste.

BECVE301T Mathematics – III

1. The students would be able to solve numerical on Fourier Series & partial differential equations.
2. The students would be apply partial differential equations in column buckling problems, behavior of structures subjected to dynamic loads and in unsteady flow problems in fluid mechanics.
3. The students would be apply problems related to finite element analysis using calculus of variations
4. The students would be able to analyze structures for static and dynamic loads using matrices and Eigen value.
5. There are several applications of Numerical methods using computers especially in structural and Fluid Mechanics where classical solutions are tedious.
6. The students would be able to optimize the recourses using simplex methods of linear programming.

BECVE304T Engineering Geology

1. Understand the origin of various types of minerals & rocks and describe their fundamental properties.
2. Understand and explain the terms related to structural, mineral geology and geomorphology.
3. Identify and describe dip, strikes, folds and faults
4. Understand the basic terms related to the earthquake and assess the safety civil engineering structures in different seismic zones.
5. Apply the basic knowledge of engineering geology in assessing the suitable site for civil engineering projects like dams, tunnels.
6. Understand importance of geo-hydrological and geo-physical information of area in planning the civil engineering structure.

BECVE305T Concrete Technology

1. Have the knowledge of types, properties and role of different constituents of concrete like cement, fine and coarse aggregate, water, etc.
2. Understand and explain the batching, mixing, production, transportation and placement of concrete to achieve the desired results.
3. Analyze and explain the properties of fresh and hardened concrete.
4. The students will acquire the knowledge and describe the strength and durability of concrete.
5. Understand the properties of admixtures and describe its application in various situation and requirement in concrete construction.
6. Assess the strength of concrete based on the fundamental knowledge of nondestructive testing.


BECVE401T Structural Analysis – I

1. Understand the concept of determinate and indeterminate structure.
2. Understand the effect of moving load and can analyze and draw the influence line diagrams.
3. Understand and apply different methods and theorems in the analysis of various structures
4. Compute the effect of vertical loads on beams, columns and arches and understand the phenomenon related to it.
5. Understand the concept of degree of freedom and slope deflection and can apply the knowledge in analyzing the frames.
6. Understand the basics matrix method of analysis of structures.

BECVE402T Geotechnical Engineering -I

1. Understand the origin of soil and to identify different types of soil.
2. Define and determine the index and engineering properties of the soil
3. Apply the knowledge of soil properties in determining the suitability of foundation for a particular type of soil.
4. Understand the concept of seepage and permeability of soil and classify its suitability in various engineering works.
5. Evaluate the shear stresses and strength of the soil mass.
6. Understand the concept of compressibility of soil using compaction and consolidation process

BECVE403T Transportation Engineering – I

1. Exhibit the knowledge of planning, design and construction practices in highway & bridge engineering.
2. Acquire the knowledge of geometric design and the fundamental properties of highway materials and draw appropriate conclusion.
3. Understand and use the concept of different methods in design, construction, inspection and maintenance of the pavement.
4. Undertake various Traffic studies and apply the knowledge in planning and design of pavement and geometrics
5. Understand and describe the terms related to bridge and hydrological parameters of importance in bridge design.
6. Understand the explain different sub-structures and super-structures of a bridge and its construction, inspection and maintenance.

BECVE404T Surveying – I

1. Understand and apply the temporary and permanent adjustments in the field survey.
2. Make use of knowledge regarding various survey instruments in measuring the distances and angles and also to compute levels of different works.
3. Apply the knowledge in preparing various types of maps.
4. Use the knowledge to estimate the quantity (areas and volumes) of the Civil Engineering work.
5. Undertake various civil engineering surveys work
6. Make use of plain table survey in reproducing the site features on paper.

BECVE 405 T Building Construction and Material

1. Identify components of a building.
2. Identify, classify & compare types of building materials.
3. Select appropriate material for building construction.
4. Understand the requirement of various building components and take-up the planning, design and construction related activities with their quality control.
5. Select, plan and provide the suitable types doors and window at appropriate locations.
6. Select suitable type of formworks, scaffolding and shoring under different work conditions.



1. Apply the various strategies for investigation of casings in viable issues
2. Definition of firmness lattice, change framework, load grid for different auxiliary segments for investigation purposes.
3. Comprehend the rudiments of limited component technique in the investigation of auxiliary parts.
4. Comprehend the ideas identified with auxiliary elements.

BECVE502T Reinforced Cement Concrete Structures (RCC)

1. Understand the basic concepts of structural design Methods of RCC to the practical problem
2. Understand the composite action of reinforced steel and concrete in reinforced concrete structural members
3. Use the knowledge of the structural properties of materials i.e. steel and concrete in assessing the strength.


1. Gauge and decide liquid pre ssures and powers on plates/surfaces, pipe twists, and so on.
2. Apply the Bernoulli’s condition to take care of the issues in liquid.
3. Comprehend the ideas of dimensional examination utilize the dimensionless number appropriately.
4. Comprehend the fundamental ideas identified with laminar and violent stream.
5. Apply the standards of hydrostatics and decide the powers.


1. Utilize the information on various soil investigation methods to determine the properties of soil
2. To examine the dependability of common slants, security and maintainability of the inclines, structure of holding structures, fortified earth dividers, and so on.
3. Practice Ground Improvement Techniques.
4. Structure the shallow and profound establishment.


BECVE601T Steel Structures

1. Utilize the information on basic properties in surveying its quality for the development reason.
2. Apply the information on different methods in investigating the steel basic parts.
3. Utilize information on examination in auxiliary arranging and plan of different parts of structures.


Carry forward the ideas of fundamental looking over procedures
2. Operate different sur vey instruments viably with exactness
3. Use various kinds of methods in different studying issues
4. Apply the ideas of present day reviewing methods and instrumentation.
5. Take – up smaller than normal task utilizing distinctive looking over


1. Understand the ideas identified with limit layer hypothesis and assurance of drag and liftforces.
2. Apply the information on speculations and conditions of channel stream in breaking down and planning the pipenetwork frameworks and its parts including water hammer pressures.
3. Use the ideas of uniform and basic move through open channels including structure of efficien channel areas.
4. Understand the various methods of dimensional examination and its utilization in model testing.
5. Understand and apply essentials identified with Turbines and Pumps in Water Resources arranging.
6. Make utilization of explicit vitality ideas in the examination of open channel stream
7. Undertake Gradually Varied Flow examination and its calculation.


1. Utilize the idea identified with water and its quality, sewage, sewer, storm water, and so on in its pressure driven plan
2. Apply the information on various parts of sewer in development, testing and upkeep of sewers,
3. To test the example of waste water in the lab for physical and synthetic qualities.
4. Take-up useful arranging, format and structure of water treatment plant segments.
5. Take-up useful arranging, format and structure of sewage treatment plant parts.
6. Plan for provincial disinfection arrangements, perform practical structure of septic tank,
7. Break down the modern waste water for its treatment units.
8. Utilize information and impact of air contamination, strong waste in getting ready for its avoidance and control.



1. Understand the conduct and disappointment modes distinctive solid individuals
2. Analyze and apply the outcomes in planning different solid individual from structure.
3. Apply the information and abilities in viable issues
4. Understand the applicable programming and utilize the equivalent in examination and plan of solid individuals..


1. Set up the starter gauge for regulatory endorsement and specialized assent for a structural building venture.
2. Compose the particular of the attempts to be embraced, set up the delicate reports, fill the agreements also, utilize information on various agreement accommodation and opening in granting the work to the temporary worker.
3. Utilize the idea of SD, EMD, MAS, Running Bill, Final Bill during the whole venture
4. Timetable the undertaking for its opportune finishing.
5. Utilize the method of Rate examination in assessing the specific expense of material and labor and henceforth the whole undertaking.
6. Gauge the bill of amounts utilizing various methods of starter and point by point assessment of structures and streets
7. Show up the specific estimation of the benefit (portable and steadfast) utilizing diverse Valuation procedures


1. Comprehend various parts of air toxins, its sources and impacts on man and material and so forth.
2. Design controls strategies and supplies for air contamination to diminish its effect on condition.
3. Understand issues showing up in taking care of enormous measure of strong waste created ,its assortment and transportation, handling and will bw ready to plan safe assortment and removal techniques.


1. Exhibit the comprehension of different sorts of activities, current development strategies what’s more, will display the dominance in development arranging, planning and different controls.
2. Accomplish the information on different kinds’ of types of gear to be utilized in the development and its operational quotes, comprehend labor prerequisite, arranging, assets use furthermore, the executives.
3. To know the quality control viewpoints in arranging and the executives, current patterns venture the executives, utilization of data framework in the board of development ventures, wellbeing arrangements and supplies.
4. Examine the lawful viewpoints in development ventures through the comprehension of different laws relating to structural designing and compositional arranging and authorizing, work and authoritative government assistance measure, arrangements of assertion and prosecutions.


1. Understand the elements of different components of railroads, air terminals, passages and docks and harbor.
2. Plan and structure different components of railroads, air terminals, passages and docks and harbor.
3. Understand the different standards traffic light in railroads, air terminals, passages and docks and harbor.
4. Understand format, plan and development perpetual way, runway, runways, passages, births and wharf.
5. Understand the upkeep of different components of railroads, air terminals, passages and docks and harbor.



1. Comprehend the significance and extent of water system designing
2. Understand completely the strategies and efficiencies of water system, crop water prerequisite.
3. Understand the arranging, plan and activity of capacity supply and utilize it in the handy circumstance.
4. Understand the fundamental profile of dams and utilize the information in checking solidness of Gravity dams and Earth dams.
5. Understand the hypotheses of Canal structure and apply the idea to configuration lined and unlined channels and detail out the cross segments.
6. Understand water logging and give the answer for such issue.


1. Analyze and Design asphalt and under various stacking conditions for roadways and runways thinking about various attributes.
2. Propose an asphalt the executives framework structure.
3. Design expressway appurtenance and parkway waste.
4. Perform various tests considering field conditions and utilizing the information to build the quality of asphalts alongside its economy perspective.


1. Understand different aspects of air pollutants, its sources and effects on man and materials
2. Acquire the knowledge of appropriate methods and equipments available to reduce the impact of air pollution on environment.
3. Understand the physical and chemical characteristics of the solid waste depending upon its sources of generation. the generation of solid waste problems arriving in handling large amount of solid waste generated, its collection and transportation, processing and will be able to design safe collection and disposal methods.
4. Achieve the knowledge of classifying, collection, transportation of solid waste.
5. Understand the different methods of processing of solid waste and control of its by-products
6. Achieve the knowledge of disposal techniques of solid waste.


1. Demonstrate the understanding of various types of projects, modern construction techniques andwill exhibit the knowledge in construction planning, scheduling and various controls.
2. Exhibit the understanding in Network Analysis using CPM & PERT
3. Achieve the knowledge regarding planning, allocation, utilization, operation and costing of theresources, manpower and tools & plants for any construction projects.
4. Implement the quality control aspects in planning & management, modern trends project management, application of information system in management of construction projects, safet provisions and equipments.
5. Understand the legal aspects in construction projects through the understanding of various laws pertaining to civil engineering and architectural planning & sanctioning, labor & organizational welfare measure, provisions of arbitration and litigations.
6. Understand the provisions of different Acts pertaining to The Environment, Forest, Water & Air Pollution for any construction activity to be undertaken.

Engineering Knowledge: Students will be able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to the solution of complex engineering problems.

Problem Analysis: Students will be able to identify, formulate and analyze complex engineering problems.

Design/Development of Solution: Students will be able to design systems, components, or processes and design solutions for complex engineering problems, to meet design needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, cultural, health and safety.

Investigation: Students will be able to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze, interpret data and synthesis of information for complex engineering problems.

Modern Tool Usage: Students will be able to use the technique, skills, and modern engineering and IT tools necessary for professional engineering practices.

Engineer and Society: Students will be able to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practices.

Environment and Sustainability: Students will be able to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.

Ethics: Students will be able to develop the understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.

Individual and Team Work: Students will be able to function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in multi-disciplinary teams.

Communication: Students will be able to communicate effectively on complex activities.

Project Management: Students will be able to understand and apply engineering and management principles to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.

Lifelong Learning: Students will be able to engage in independent and lifelong learning in broadest context of technological change.




Equip students with practical skills and industry-relevant knowledge to succeed in engineering careers.


Promote sustainable, safe design using eco-friendly materials and engage in lifelong learning to succeed in a wide range of disciplines.
Sr. No. Name Qualification Designation Name of the Department Gender
1 Prof. S. M. Mahajan Ph.D  Professor Civil Engineering Male
2 Prof. Pankaj Patil M.Tech Assistant Professor Civil Engineering Male
3 Prof. Preeti Morey M.Tech Assistant Professor Civil Engineering Female
4 Prof. Priyanka Nagdeve M.Tech Assistant Professor Civil Engineering Female
5 Prof. Neha Khobragade M.Tech Assistant Professor Civil Engineering Female
6 Prof. Ankush Bansod M.Tech Assistant Professor Civil Engineering Male
7 Prof. Ghufran Khan M.Tech Assistant Professor Civil Engineering Male

Name of Lab

Main Equipment


Fluid Mechanics Lab

Verification Of Bernoullis Theorem


Flow Over Notches Apparatus


Metacentric Height Of Ship Model Apparatus


Flow Through Orifice And Mouthpiece Apparatus


Flow Measurement By Venturimeter And Orifice Meter


Reynolds Apparatus


Pelton Wheel Turbine Test 1 HP


Reciprocating Pump Test


Centrifugal Pump Test 2hp


Concrete Technology Lab

Compaction Factor Test Apparatus


Vibrating Machine


Compression testing Machine


Environmental Engineering Lab

Jar Test Apparatus


Muffle Furnace


Electric Oven


BOD Incubator


Goetech Engineering Lab

Permeability apparatus


Sieve shaker motorized fitted with1/4 HP motor with timer


Jodhpur permeability apparatus with Overhead tank


Triaxial shear test apparatus


Direct shear apparatus


Unconfined load frame


Vane shear apparatus


Structure Analysis Lab

Two Hinged Apparatus


Deflection Beam Apparatus


Maxwell Reciprocal Theorem Apparatus


Behavior Of Column And Strut Apparatus


Unsymmetrical Bending Beam Apparatus


Portal Frame Apparatus


Strength of Material Lab

Universal testing machine


compression testing machine


Deflection beam apparatus


Hardness tester


Torsion testing machine


Shear test attachment


Survey Lab

Theodolite with tripod stand


Plain table with all accessories


Auto level with tripod stand


Department of Civil Engineering

Sr. No

Images of Event 

Information of Event 


Guest Lecture on “Software Application”


Guest Lecture on “Bhuvisamvad Programme”



PIL-A boon for all.



Dams in India-Standing tall to streamline the growth of the country.



Maharatna, navratna and Miniratna Companies 



Some Indian Cities and their founders / Architects



Roads of India, life line of 33 lakh Km



National Symbols



Muncipal Solid Waste 



Concrete Technology






Foundation Engineering 



Structural Analysis



Air Pollution 



Skill Developmebt Programme concrete



Skill Developmebt Programme concrete





“9 TH RANK IN R.T.M. Nagpur University Exam Summer 2017”




Maintaining technical excellence and highest ethical standards while taking pride in their profession.


Creating safe, efficient, cost-effective, and Environmental friendly structures using modern tools and technologies to meet diverse needs.


Pursuing continuous learning, innovation, and knowledge-sharing to drive personal and professional growth while empowering others to manage projects in multidisciplinary sectors.