Computer Engineering

Department Of Computer Engineering

H.O.D. (Computer Engineering)

Prof. Pradip Balbudhe

Welcome to the Department of Computer Engineering at Suryodaya College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur. Computer Engineering is the most flourishing discipline that cultivates at the cross road of new trends in computer science. Department is committed to excellence in teaching, skilling and inculcating a sense of pride and confidence in our students. The department strongly believes in its students’ ability to leave a global footprint, assisted by a highly qualified and well experienced professor. This is the department where students publish papers in international journals, at the same time a student wishing to achieve some recognition in extra-curricular or co-curricular activities. Every year various technical as well as non-technical competitions are arranged and organized by the department & students to enables industry professionals to witness the emerging talent and provide professional opportunities to the candidates.

The motivation is not just to nurture their technical skills but to provide professional grooming and guidance so that our students come-up as thorough professionals and inspiring individuals. All students are mentored to make them follow a philosophy that does not set boundaries to their ability to learn. Our students’ contributions to different academic forums have been ascertaining the sincere efforts put by our teachers at various levels. The department gives exposure to their students, about regular engineering curriculum as well as prepare them to face the challenges of today’s corporate world, by inculcating a professional attitude in them. The Department has a distinction of consistently achieving above 95% results in the final year. Every year department has a university Rankers. Students are encouraged to appear in GATE, CAT, GRE and other competitive examinations. The Department has good industry interaction with Software industries, Government organization and Private Sectors around the region. The Memorandum of Understanding is signed for Student Projects, Internships, Faculty Trainings, and Research work. The Industryoffers problem definitions to pre-final and final year students for projects along with guidance. We are also promoting the second year students to prepare the micro projects which are beyond the curriculum. The department organizes number of workshops, seminars and guest lectures by inviting reputed experts from industry and academia. Department promotes active Industry- Institute interface by taking part in sponsored research and consultancy services. On placement aspect, department has done exceedingly well with students working in reputed multinationals like Wipro, TCS, Oracle, Accenture, Capgemini, Cognizant, HCL, IBM and many more. One of the golden achievement of the department is that we received the “Department of the year” award consistently since last three years. We as a team sincerely welcome the young talent who aspire to pursue studies, to educate, or to innovate in the area of Computer Science. So Come and Join us.


To become a center of excellence in computer engineering by promoting quality education, innovative research and entrepreneurial skills, empowering graduates to address global challenges


M1 : To create a learning environment that encourages academic excellence, research and entrepreneurship in computer engineering. M2 : To foster responsibility, ethics, and accountability among students to prepare them for new challenges M3 : To collaborate with renowned academic and industry partners to improve students problem-solving and technical skills.

B.E. Third Semester

Course Name : Applied Mathematics-III

Code : BECME301T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Apply the Set theory and Relation concepts.


Apply the Functions and define the recursive functions.


Apply Laplace transform to different applications


Apply Inverse Laplace transform to different applications.


Identify the permutations and combinations.


Define variable and also identify the mapping.

Course Name : Digital Electronics (DE)

Code : BECME302T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Represent numbers and perform arithmetic operations.


Minimize the Boolean expression using Boolean algebra and design it using logic gates.


Analyze and design combinational circuits.


Analyze and design the sequential circuit using Flip-Flop


Simplify the circuit using K-Map.


Understand the arithmetic circuits using adders & subtractors.

Course Name: Concepts in Computer Engg. (CCE)

Code : BECME303T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Bridge the fundamental concepts of computers with input and output devices of Computers and memory


Understand the Generations of Computers & processors.


Able to understand the various types of programming Languages,.


Understand the various types of software and its applications.


Familiarize with operating systems, and Open source technology.


Be aware with the multimedia systems and its processing.

Course Name : Programming Methodology & Data Structure (PMDS)

Code : BECME304T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Understand the basics of C programming with Arrays.


Understand and apply the structure concept in c programming.


Apply the data in proper order using searching & sorting techniques.


Understand the concept of stacks & Queues.


Analyze the various types of linked list.


Understand the concept of trees & Graphs and its applications.

Course Name : Introduction to Computer Network (ICN)

Code : BECME305T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Independently understand basic computer network technology.


Understand and explain Data Communications System and its components.


Identify the different types of network topologies and protocols.


Enumerate the layers of the OSI model and TCP/IP. Explain the function(s) of each layer.


Identify the different types of network devices and their functions within a network.


Familiarity with the basic protocols of computer networks, and how they can be used to assist in network design and implementation.

B.E. Forth Semester

Course Name : Discrete Mathematics & Graph Theory (M-IV)

Code : BECME401T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Apply the Number Theory to different applications using theorem.


Apply probability and understand PDF.


Understand sampling theory and correlation.


Apply the graphs and trees concepts to different applications.


Understand group’s theory.


Understand the Lattice theory.

Course Name : File Structure & Data Processing (FSDP)

Code : BECME402T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Understand the fundamental concepts of file structure design and storage structures.


Understand the file structure concept and file organization.


Understand data compression, key sorting and indexing techniques.


Apply concepts of Consequential processing.


Analyze the multilevel indexing file accessing techniques with appropriate data.


Understand the Hashing & external hashing techniques.

Course Name : Microprocessor

Code : BECME403T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Know the architecture of 8086 & pin configuration & become familiar with the instruction set of 8086.


Apply the programming of Assembly language in 8086.


Understand advanced data structure programming in 8086 and 8086 I/O.


To handle the 8086 interrupts and its implementation.


Know the 8086 I/O & interfaces and Programmable Peripheral Interface 8255.


Handle the 8086 interrupts with its implementation and Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259.


Code : BECME404T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Apply Numerical analysis in the field of Science and Engineering.


Familiar with finite precision computation.


Aware with numerical solutions of nonlinear equations in a single variable.


Familiar with numerical integration and differentiation, numerical solution of ordinary differential equations.


Familiar with calculation and interpretation of errors in numerical method.


Know the concept of test of significance.

Course Name : Object Oriented Methodology

Code : BECME405T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Apply Numerical analysis which has enormous application in the field of Science and some fields of Engineering.


Understand the concept of finite precision computation.


Determine numerical solutions of nonlinear equations in a single variable.


Differentiate with numerical integration and differentiation, numerical solution of ordinary differential equations.


Apply calculation and interpretation of errors in numerical method.


Compare object oriented methodologies and its implementation.

B.E. Fifth Semester

Course Name : Theory of Computation

Code : BECME501T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Apply principles of fundamental and computational mathematics to the field of computer engineering.


Design finite automata to recognize a given regular language.


Transform a language into regular expression or finite automata or Transition graph.


Define relationship between regular language and context free Grammar. Building a context free grammar for push down automata.


Design Turing machine and post machine for a given language.


Apply the concept of computability. Be familiar with thinking analytically and intuitively for problem solving situation in related area of theory in computer science.

Course Name : Computer Architecture and Organization

Code : BECME502T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Describe basic organization of computer and the architecture of 8086 microprocessor.


Implement assembly language program for given task for 8086 microprocessor.


Demonstrate control unit operations and conceptualize instruction level parallelism.


Demonstrate and perform computer arithmetic operations on integer and real numbers.


Categorize memory organization and explain the function of each element of a memory hierarchy.


Identify and compare different methods for computer I/O mechanisms.

Course Name : TCP / IP

Code : BECME503T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Understand structure of IP and addressing in IPv4 and IPv6, working of ARP and RARP protocols


Understand the use of ICMP in networking and the routing techniques, the use and implementation of mobile IP.


Understand the Transport layer protocols and its use (TCP, UDP, SCTP), study the various application layer protocols used in network model.

Course Name : Computer Graphics

Code : BECME504T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


To Do OpenGL application programming Interface and apply it for 2D & 3D computer graphics.


Able to solve the problems of curves.


Able to analyze and apply clipping algorithms and transformation on 2D images

Course Name : Industrial Economics and Entrepreneurship Development

Code : BECME505T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Understand and explain supply and demand analysis.


Define and explain concepts and laws related to production and solve problems of BEP and Depreciation.


Understand share market & some concepts of macroeconomics like inflation, deflation, stagflation and the types of market structure.


Understand concept of Creativity, Innovation, Invention, Discovery, Creativity and laws related to IPR and patent.


Know the basics of entrepreneurship and small scale Industries.


Explain the financial agencies and entrepreneurship support Government system & Agencies and Analyze the factors governing to project selection.

B.E. Sixth Semester

Course Name : System Software

Code : BECME601T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Understand the basic concepts of basic concepts of system softwares, machine language programming and to study the working of assembler and macroprocessor.


Study the different phases of compiler, Understand how linkers and loaders create executable program from object code generated by assembler.


Know the working of device drivers and the architecture of Intel processors

Course Name : Design & Analysis of Algorithm

Code : BECME602T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Select appropriate data structures as applied to specified problem definition.


Implement operations like searching, insertion, and deletion, traversing mechanism etc. on various data structures.


Students will be able to implement Linear and Non-Linear data structures.


Implement appropriate sorting/searching technique for given problem.


Design advance data structure using Non- Linear data structure.


Determine and analyze the complexity of given Algorithms.

Course Name : Database Management System

Code : BECME603T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Explain the features of database management systems and Relational database.


Design conceptual models of a database using ER modeling for real life applications and also construct queries in Relational Algebra.


Create and populate a RDBMS for a real life application, with constraints and keys, using SQL.


Retrieve any type of information from a data base by formulating complex queries in SQL.


Analyze the existing design of a database schema and apply concepts of normalization to design an optimal database.


Build indexing mechanisms for efficient retrieval of information from a database.

Course Name : Software Engg. & Project Management (SEPM)

Code : BECME604T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Apply the process to be followed in the software development life-cycle models.


Implement communication, modeling, construction & deployment practices in software development.


Analyze & design the software models using unified modeling language (UML).


Explain the concepts of various software testing methods & be able to apply appropriate testing approaches for development of software.


Explain the quality management & different types of metrics used in software development.


Apply the concepts of project management & planning.

Course Name : Functional English

Code : BECME605T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Brings confidence to face Competitive Examinations


Develops the skills for Technical Writing in English


Develops the overall analytical comprehension

B.E. Seventh Semester

Course Name : Operating System

Code : BECME701T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Understand the Functions of Operating System, Types of Operating System, file system concept, Disk Space management.


Understand the Process concept, process management policies and various CPU scheduling algorithm and Threading issues.


Evaluate the requirement for process synchronization and coordination handled by operating system.


Understand the concept of Deadlock Prevention, Avoidance, Detection and Recovery and evaluate the storage management policies


Describe and analyze the memory management and virtual memory management with its allocation policies.


Understand the system protection and Security issues in operating system.

Course Name : Adv. Micro Processor & Microcontroller

Code : BECME702T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Understand the History and evolution of the processor.


Demonstrate the basic Pentium Programming.


Design the interfacing for 8051microcontroller.


Apply 8096 microcontroller in basic software example.

Course Name : Info. Assurance & N/W Security (IANS)

Code : BECME703T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Classify the symmetric and asymmetric encryption techniques


Illustrate various Public key cryptographic techniques


Evaluate the authentication and hash algorithms.


Discuss & apply the authentication applications.


Summarize the intrusion detection and its solutions to overcome the attacks.


Apply the basic concepts of system level security

Course Name : Ele – I – Data Warehousing & Mining

Code : BECME704T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


To provide a brief introduction to general issues of Data Warehouse and Data Mining.


To provide students with a clear understanding of the different architectures and mining techniques


To introduce students to the role and function of Data Warehouse and Data Mining


To explain the stages and process different data mining techniques.

Course Name : Ele- II – Web Technologies

Code : BECME705T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Understand HTML, XML, XHTML, XSL, Dynamic & Static Contentsdevelop the dynamic web pages using DHTML and javascripts


Understand concept of HTTP, URL, SGML and CSS with their common syntax & key-terms.


Write client and server side programming


They will able to connect web pages with DBMS


To understand the Concepts of JavaScript, AJAX, & clickable maps.


To know the process of HTTP Request, Processing HTTP Responses, Cookie coordination, & different Mail transfer Protocol.

B.E. Eighth Semester

Course Name : Unix & Shell Programming

Code : BECME801T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Summarize the basic concepts of single & multiuser Operating System, basic structure of UNIX kernel and its subsystems.


Understand the concept of file subsystem, inodes and how files are managed by inodes.


Illustrate process control subsystem, process scheduling paradigms and different types of scheduling employed in UNIX,


Comprehend memory management subsystems viz. swapping and demand paging.


Apply command structure of UNIX, various types of shells and types of commands.

Course Name : Distributed System & grid Computing (DSGC)

Code : BECME802T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Understand key features of the Distributed Systems such as Communications, Processes, Synchronization, Fault Tolerance, Consistency and Replications.


Use and apply important methods in distributed systems to support scalability and fault Tolerance.


Design and implement distributed applications of Distributed Systems.


Differentiate different computing techniques.


Understand risks involved in cloud computing.

Course Name : Elective -III – Wireless Communication & Mobile Computing (WCMC)

Code : BECME803T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Understand the basic concepts wireless communication and cellular network, working of GSM and types of wireless networks.


Study the different sensor networks, various routing techniques and working of TCP/IP model in Mobile network.


To know the protocols and tools in mobile network, awareness of ethical issues related to the security and privacy of user data and user behaviour.

Course Name : Ele – IV – Multimedia System

Code : BECME804T

At the end of course Students will be able to –


Develop an understanding of technical aspects of Multimedia Systems.


Understand various file formats for audio, video and text media.


Develop various Multimedia Systems applicable in real time.


Design interactive multimedia software.


Apply various networking protocols for multimedia applications.


To evaluate multimedia application for its optimum performance.




Apply programming skills and software tools to develop secure, efficient, and user- friendly software solutions.


Use technical knowledge, creative ideas, and problem-solving skills to design solutions for practical challenges, while considering ethics and the environment.




Graduates will excel in their careers by acquiring computer engineering skills through continuous learning and staying updated with new technologies.


Graduates will work together across multidisciplinary teams, contributing as leaders or team members in academic, research, and industrial environments at national and international levels.


Graduates will continue learning, create new ideas, and develop technology-based solutions for the betterment of society.
Sr. No. Name Qualification Designation Name of the Department Gender
1 Prof. Pradip Balbudhe M.Tech Assistant Professor Computer Engineering Male
2 Dr. Kalpana Malpe Ph.D. Associate Professor Computer Engineering Female
3 Prof. Veena Katankar M.Tech Assistant Professor Computer Engineering Female
4 Prof. Mohini Gawande M.Tech Assistant Professor Computer Engineering Female
5 Prof. Jayashree Gorakh M.Tech Assistant Professor Computer Engineering Female
6 Prof. Mangesh Thakur M.Tech Assistant Professor Computer Engineering Male
7 Prof. Nikesh Bode M.Tech Assistant Professor Computer Engineering Male
8 Prof. Utkarsha Gode M.Tech Assistant Professor Computer Engineering Female
9 Prof. Pooja pimpalshende M.Tech Assistant Professor Computer Engineering Female
10 Prof.  Shivani Ambulkar M.Tech Assistant Professor Computer Engineering Female
11 Prof. Mrunali Gajbhiye M.Tech Assistant Professor Computer Engineering Female
12 Prof. Pranali Faye M.Tech Assistant Professor Computer Engineering Female
13 Prof. Mrunalini Andhare M.Tech Assistant Professor Computer Engineering Female
14 Prof. Rashmi Bhurely M.Tech Assistant Professor Computer Engineering Female
Sr. No. Name of Lab Practicals Conducted Main Equipment Cost
1 Data Base Management Lab DBMS & (CL-I) HTML [Lab – 1] Computers, Furniture & Fixtures 5,27,108.00
2 OOPs & Data Structure Lab Prog. Meth. & Data Stru. And Object Oriented Methodology (PMDS & OOM) [Lab- II] Computers, Furniture & Fixtures 4,48,170.00
3 C & Computer graphics Lab Comp. Graphics(CG) & DAA [Lab – III] Computers, Furniture & Fixtures 5,25,408.00
4 Project Lab Project / Mini Project / Micro Project [Lab – IV] Computers, Furniture & Fixtures 4,81,120.00
5 COBOL & Java Prog. Lab CL-II (COBOL) & CL-III (Adv. JAVA) [Lab – V] Computers, Furniture & Fixtures 4,24,350.00
6 Software Engg. Lab S/W Engg. & Project Management & Adv. µP [Lab – VI] Computers, Furniture & Fixtures 4,24,350.00
7 Networking Lab TCP/IP & Info. Assu. & N/W Security(IANS) [Lab – VII] Computers, Furniture & Fixtures 4,22,350.00
8 Operating System Lab USP & DSGC [Lab-VIII] Computers, Furniture & Fixtures 4,22,350.00
9 INTERNET LAB Central Computing Facility Lab Computers, Furniture & Fixtures 17,95,133.00
S. N. Organisation Date of MoU signed Purpose and activities
1 Programming Hub,
Mumbai, M.S.
17/09/2019 to 16/09/2024 E-certification courses for students and faculty on latest industry required technologies
2 Jetking, Nagpur 07/10/2019 to 07/10/2022 Seminar/ workshop on on networking & cyber security for staff and students
3 CMS, IT, Nagpur 25/09/2018 to 25/09/2021 For internsip, training through seminar and workshop on latest software used in industry
4 Aspect IIT, Nagpur 15/09/2017 to 15/09/2020 For internsip, training through seminar and workshop on latest software used in industry
5 Reliance Animation, Nagpur 30/09/2017 to 30/09/2020 Internship, training for students
6 Three M Software Solution, Nagpur 25/09/2016 to 25/09/2021 For internsip, training through seminar and workshop on latest software used in industry
7 Axiom Softech Pvt. Ltd. 15/11/2016 to 15/11/2021 For internsip, training through seminar and workshop on latest software used in industry
1 2019-20 Design & Implementation Of Smart Helmet
2 2019-20 Notification Based Bus Detection
3 2019-20 Design & Implementation Of Lab automation Using Google assistant And Android App
4 2019-20 Design & Implementation Of Real Time Crop Monitoring System
5 2019-20 Human Identification on EAR Detection
6 2019-20 Implementation on image Retrieval Based on NL , machine Learning and AI
7 2019-20 Smartphone Based Rash Driving Detection
8 2019-20 Remote Android System Setting Change Via SMS
1 2018-19 Prepaid & Postpaid Water Distribution Controller Over IOT
2 2018-19 Highly Secure Transmission Of Data Over Network Using QKD
3 2018-19 Design & Implementation Of Industrial Energy And Static Analysis System
4 2018-19 Towing Crane Tracking And Activity Monitoring System
5 2018-19 Farming assistant Android App
6 2018-19 Implementation on image Retrieval Based on NL , machine Learning and AI
7 2018-19 Performance Analysis Of Students in Degree Program
1 2017-18 Mobile Theft Detection With Location Tracking
2 2017-18 Voice Alert Navingation System For Blind Person
3 2017-18 Design & Implementation Of Smart ERP System For SCET
4 2017-18 User Identification By Maching Stastistics
5 2017-18 Human Identification Using Even -Steven Facial Recognition
6 2017-18 Real Time Event Detection & Prevention Cyberbulling Social Media

Activities Conducted in Department


Date of conduction Name of activity Faculty Involved Resource person/Guests with designation Photographs/news published
1 29/05/2020 Webinar Series on NextGen Technologies-Career in Semiconductor, Global Evolution in Semiconductor & Applications Prof. Pradip O. Balbudhe Shri. Deepak Sharma, Director, Technical Head-India, & Mr. Sahvir Singh Chauhan, Technical head, ICTI Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
2 29/05/2020 Webinar Series on NextGen Technologies- A Step by Step designing power supply for various applications using power integration Prof. Ansar I. Sheikh Mr. Himmat Parmar, Application Manager, Power Integration
3 30/05/2020 Webinar Series on NextGen Technologies-Technical Design Techniques of Automotive Sensors, ECU & Electronic Fuel Injection Prof. Pradip Balbudhe Mr. Anand Murthy, Sr. R & D Manager, Symtronics Automation Pvt. Ltd.
4 30/05/ 2020 Webinar Series on NextGen Technologies-Next Gen IoT Applications Prof. Vivekanand P. Thakare Mr. Anil Kumar Challyll, Business Development Manager-Strategic Program, Farnell Element 14
5 30/05/2020 Webinar Series on NextGen Technologies-BLDC Motor Drive & Applications Prof. Pradip O. Balbudhe Mr. Miguel Mendoza, Principal (Strategic Business Development) Marketing Manager, Renesas Electronics, San Francisco, USA
6 03/06/2020 E-Workshop on Cyber Crime Prof. Ansar I. Sheikh Mr. Pradip O. Balbudhe, Assistant Professor, SCET, Nagpur An Industrial visit at JADHAO GEARS LTD., Amravati for the practical exposure and understanding of engineering students.
7 08/06/2020 One week short term webinar Series on Industry 4.0 Prof. Vivekanand P. Thakare 1.Mr. Durga Prasad
2. Mr. PiyushMokadam
3. Dr. Ram Manohar


 Sr. IOT Advisor ,Dysmech Consultancy Services (DCS)  

8 10/06/2020 E-Workshop on “Gallantry Awards” Prof. Pradip O. Balbudhe  Mr. Vivekanand P. Thakare, Assistant Professor, SCET, Nagpur Fate Competition Runner-up
9 13/06/2020 E-Workshop on “Right to information Act” Prof. Pradip O. Balbudhe Mr. AnsarIsak SheikhAssistant Professor, SCET, Nagpur
10 19/06/2020 E-Workshop on “Foreign Direct Investment” Prof. Ansar I. Sheikh Mr. Pradip O. Balbudhe, Assistant Professor, SCET, Nagpur
11 25/06/2020

One month e-Internship on

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT – Smart Water Management)

Prof. Vivekanand P. Thakare

Dr. Ram Manohar Nisarg

 Sr. IOT Advisor, Dysmech Consultancy Services (DCS)

     Mr. Rahul Naidu MD,    

    Dysmech Consultancy     

         Services (DCS)

12 4/10/2020 Guest Lecture on “Theory of Computation ” Prof. Vivekanand P. Thakare Mr. J. B. Chakole, Research Scholar, VNIT, Nagpur
13 8/10/2020 Guest Lecture on “Programming, &Data Structure ” Prof. Ansar I. Sheikh Mr. Santosh Kumar SahuResearch Scholar, VNIT Nagpu
14 18/10/2020 Guest Lecture on “Compiler Construction” Prof. Vivekanand P. Thakare Prof(Ms). N. G. MungaleAsst. Prof . G.H. Raisoni College Of  Engg. Nagpur
15 10/11/2020 Guest Lecture on “Design & Analysis of  Algorithm ” Prof. Pradip O. Balbudhe Mr. Santosh Kumar Shahu (Research Scholor, VNIT Nagpur.)
16 24/11/2020 Guest Lecture on “Grammer & Finite Automata” Prof. Vivekanand P. Thakare Prof(Ms). N. G. MungaleAsst. Prof . G.H. Raisoni College Of  Engg. Nagpur
17 02-01-2021



A Webinar on “Self Defense”

Prof. Ansar I. Sheikh Master Shashi S. Thakur TESSA Committee Members Installation
18 26-01-2021



Roadshow on “Road Safety Awareness”

Mr. Pradip O. Balbudhe Team of Computer Engineering Students Inauguration of TEESA (A Student Forum) by hands of Hon. Ranjeet Chafle,Secretary,NRDRS
19 08-05-2021 A guest Lecture on “Azure Cloud Architecture” Mr. Ansar I. Sheikh Mr. Shrikant  Anjankar, Manager & Team Leader, Cloud Architecture, Wipro Mumbai
20 15-05-2021 “Video of Vision”   (A 1 minute Video making competition ) Mr. Pradip O. Balbudhe Computer Engineering Students Association (ACES) Forum

Patents Filled

S.N. Activity Faculty  Title Patent application No.  Date of registration  Photograph


Patents registered

Prof. Pradip O. Balbudhe

Free flowing water depth and velocity analyzer




A Device Placed inside a spherical object for activities tracking 2020211053800 10/12/2020


Wireless Hand Gloves for Cricket Score board Update




Prof. Ruchira N. Selote Speeding Vehicle crime evidence collection & verification System 202121022891 22/05/2021
Sr.No. Name of event Speaker with designation Topic Date No of students present



One week short term webinar Series on NextGen Technology 1.Mr. Durga Prasad
2. Mr. Piyush Mokadam
3. Dr. Ram Manohar
Industry 4.0 (IIoT &Manufaturing using IoT 8/6/2020 180
3 Guest Lecture Mr. Shivendra Bhagel (Central Nmanager Jetking) Ethical Hacking 25/02/2020 40
4 Guest Lecture Prof. Neha Titarmare,
Asst. Prof. RGCER, Nagpur
Network Security 25/01/2020 46
5 Guest Lecture Mr.Vivek Sharma, Trainer Sofronix IT Solution Salesforce 28/12/2019 63
6 One Month Online
Dr. Ram Manohar Nisarg, Sr. IOT Advisor ,Dysmech Consultancy Services (DCS) By Internet of Thing 25/06/2020 to 25/07/2020 413
7 Webinar Series Mrs. NEELIMA POTTABATHINI, a Senior Advisor, Dysmech Competency Services Pvt. Ltd. Artificial Intelligence & 3D Printing June 13 2020 200
8 Webinar Series by Dr. Ram Manohar Nisarg, a Sr. IOT Advisor, DCS Services Pvt. Ltd., and Mr. Piyush Mokadam, Sr. Advisor, Pvt. Ltd Machine Learning & Predictive Analysis June 12 2020 224
9 Webinar Series And Mr. Ravi Kumar, Sr. Advisor,DCS Services Pvt. Ltd. Data Science & Automated Design June 11 2020 196
10 Webinar Series Mr. Piyush Mokadam, Sr. Advisor, Pvt. Ltd. And Mr. Ravi Kumar, Sr. Advisor,DCS Services Pvt. Ltd IIoT & Block Chain June 10 2020 190
11 Webinar Series by Dr. Ram Manohar Nisarg, a Sr. IOT Advisor, DCS Services Pvt. Ltd., and Mr. Piyush Mokadam, Sr. Advisor, Pvt. Ltd Introduction to IoT & Smart Manufacturing June 9 2020 222
12 Webinar Series Mr. Durgaprasad Valavala, Founder and Director – Omulus Infotech Pvt. Ltd Introduction to Industry 4.0 June 8 2020 187
13 Webinar Series Mr. Uday Wasule, Sr. Technical Advisor, Millenium Semiconductor Application of Embedded Electronics in Automotive Vehicles 1st June 2020 156
14 Webinar Series Mr. Anand Murthy, Sr. R & D Manager, Symtronics Automation Pvt. Ltd. Technical Design Techniques of Automotive Sensors, ECU & Electronic Fuel Injection 30th May 2020 133
15 Webinar Series Mr. Anil Kumar Challyll, Business Development Manager-Strategic Program, Farnell Element 14 Next Gen IoT Applications 30th May 2020 165
16 Webinar Series Mr. Miguel Mendoza, Principal (Strategic Business Development) Marketing Manager, Renesas Electronics, San Francisco, USA BLDC Motor Drive & Applications 30th May 2020 150
17 Webinar Series Shri. Deepak Sharma, Director, Technical Head-India, & Mr. Sahvir Singh Chauhan, Technical head, ICTI Technologies Pvt. Ltd Career in Semiconductor, Global Evolution in Semiconductor & Applications 29th May 2020 136
18 Webinar Series Mr. Himmat Parmar, Application Manager, Power Integration Step by Step designing power supply for various applications using power integration 29th May 2020 127
19 One Day Workshop Shrikant Shirtre, Drone Instructor OYESER Mumbai Learn the Science of Flying & Building Drones 14/09/2019 154
20 Guest Lecture Mr.Vivek Sharma, Trainer Sofronix IT Solution Internet of Thing 30/07/2019 60
21 Industry Visit Manager , Parle Industries Awareness of Indusrial operation 16/11/2019 40
22 Seminar Managing Director ,Live Wire,Nanadanwan Emereging trend in Software Development & IT 2/8/2018 49
23 Guest Lecture Dr. S.P.Khandait, Associte Professor Beyond SQL and Relational Data Model 6/3/2019 34
24 Guest Lecture Dr. S.P.Khandait , Associte Professor Optimization of Compiler’s for Modern Architecture 2/1/2019 44
25 Guest Lecture Jagdish Chakole , Ph.D. Scholar, VNIT, Nagpur Python Programming 15/09/2018 34
26 Guest Lecture Dr. S.P.Khandait , Associte Professor Overview of Internet of Thing 9/2/2018 41
27 Workshop Director,Jetking Nagpur Hardware & Networking 25/01/2018 35
28 Guest Lecture Mr. Sudeep Vairagade , Reliance Education, AIMS Animation & Skill Development 9/1/2017 52
29 Guest Lecture Ms. Yogeshwary Chaudhary,
Asst. Prof.
Image Processing 24/07/2017 85