Suryodaya College of Engineering & Technology Established under National Rural Development & Research Society and the Mobilization of Funds for various resources:
Funds are mobilized from the following resources.
The main financial resource for the Institute is by way of tuition fee. The tuition fee is fixed in line with government regulation and previous year’s expenditure and the impact of the inflation in the next three years. The institution furnishes all the relevant details of the expenditure and projections for every three years to the Fee Regulatory Authority which fixes the tuition fee of the Institute as per the guidelines stated by the State Government. While submitting the projections, the Institute also incorporates increase in salaries by way of DA, increments, etc. The Fee Regulatory Committee also provides scope for the Institute to allocate funds for the capital expenditure, which the Institute is planning over the next three years. Hence, the major resource mobilization depends on the fee fixation done by the Fee Regulatory Authority.
The Sponsoring trust, NATIONAL RURAL DEVELOPMENT & RESEARCH SOCIETY, extends financial support to the Institute for the shortfall and ensures the availability of requisite funds.
Optimal utilization of resources:
An annual budget is prepared to ensure optimal utilization of financial resources, based on the estimates received from the departments and functional units of the Institute. The amount is sanctioned by the Board of Governors. Monthly statements are prepared for income and expenditure. Audit is performed periodically to ensure that the budget is optimally utilized for the purpose it is intended. The resources in the form of facilities and equipment are maintained to ensure optimum performance.